Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written another book, Nomad, reviewed in the London Telegraph on the
1st June 2010. She is in great danger because of her rejection of Islam. However, although now an atheist, the reviewer notes that she is convinced Christianity is superior to Islam, because it has learnt how to exist in plural societies and because it centres on love (at its best - this commentor would have to add) rather than anger and fear. She criticises Western feminists who will not write about female circumcision, honour killing and the sale of brides because of a wish to blame Western colonialism for all ills.
She recommends that the Churches should come together to counter radical Muslim dawa (mission) with a great push of their own to bring Christianity to immigrants.
A major work, CHRISTIANITY ALONGSIDE ISLAM, has just been published by Sydney-born BISHOP JOHN WILSON, for 22 years an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Melbourne. The Foreword is by Dr Peter Riddell, Professorial Dean of the Centre for the Study of Islam and Other Faiths, Bible College of Victoria and Australian College of Theology. On a vitally important subject, I recommend it highly.