In 2009, seven men were ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church in the whole of the United Kingdom. In the Church of England alone, 574 were ordained (of whom 274 were women). - from "A haven from crisis : Disillusioned (Roman) Catholics can find solace in a church that combines tradition and modernity" by Colin Slee in the London Guardian, 8th May, 2010
In the Church of Ireland, 10% of the clergy in the Diocese of Dublin (including the Dean of one of its two Cathedral, Christ Church) are former Roman Catholics. Dublin Diocese has just one vacancy among its 60 parishes ! Even the Diocese with the most vacancies, Clogher, there are 7 out of 32 parishes.
In 2009, 10% of the ordinands in the Church of Ireland were reported to be former Roman Catholics. In the latest figures noted (in the Church of Ireland Gazette, 21st May, 2010), there were 29 ordinands training for the Church of Ireland, plus 27 in the preliminary "Foundation Course" (up from 19 in 2009). That does not mean the Church has no problems but it remains a Church that provides much to encourage other Anglicans, not least in having moderates very much in the majority.