Tuesday, June 8, 2010

BOOKS : recent and recommended

a miscellany published for the 75th Anniversary of the Memorialists - a significant minority of the clergy of the Diocese of Sydney who in 1938 sent a Memorial to Archbishop Mowll seeking greater
fairness and liberality within the Diocese - sadly not with any satisfactory outcome. This book
includes 75 little known hymns, old - re-discovered or revised, and new, with brief notes on the hymns, plus some of translations of Icelandic hymns by Charles Venn Pilcher, Bishop Coadjutor of Sydney in 1938, plus some Australian national hymns and songs, 32 autumnal poems by JB, chapters on Alternative Sydney Anglicans, and The Memorialists and their Parishes, and autobiographical material : A Broad Church and a Liberal Faith, Women and Men of Influence, Books of Influence, and thoughts about the way ahead.   $A15 plus postage from PO Box N109, Campbelltown North, 2560, Australia (bunyanj@tpg.com.au).

Earlier recommendations

Frank Schaeffer, PATIENCE WITH GOD : Faith for People Who Don't Like Religion (or Atheism) - by the son of the once well-known Evangelical, Francis Schaeffer. This is a much more personal book than the title might suggest, a rather delightful work by one who is now a member of the Orthodox Church in Boston but very liberal in his outlook, with no time for either atheistic or evangelical fundamentalism. (His account of the shrine established by the son of Billy Graham is sad yet very funny.)

Ian Bradley, GRACE, OPENNESS AND DIVERSITY : Reclaiming Liberal Theology
The author, now at the University of St Andrews, has written many books e.g. on hymns, Britain, the monarchy, and celtic studies, and has now produced this feisty defence of liberal religion in general and liberal Christianity in particular (though this reader would not agree with his - in this book - rather superficial and generalised support for abortion, euthanasia, and "mercy killing". In other areas, such as worship, and on society, he is commendably conservative.

George Prochnik, IN PURSUIT OF SILENCE : Listening for Meaning in a World of Noise
In a world where noise so often dominates, even in church worship itself, this is a very solid, comprensive, and salutory defence of the value of quietness and silence. "Be still, and know that I am God". (Psalm 46)

Friday, June 4, 2010

This web-site January, 2011

This small web-site simply seeks to provide some information, comment, and alternative views on some matters relating to the Church of Australia and especially the Diocese of Sydney. After a period of recess, it is hoped to resume posting early in 2011. The site is not intended for conversation or blogging but Mr Bunyan can be easily contacted -

"Colenso Corner", PO Box N109, Campbelltown North, NSW 2560, Australia
bunyanj@tpg.com.au (or else john.bunyan@swsahs.nsw.gov.au ) .

Happy days.